
Omega, 2020   Omega, 2020

rame su tela 54×144   copper on canvas 54×144

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… dopo tutti questi anni si incontrarono. Avevano vissuto vite diversamente complesse e variamente intense. Non fu amore a prima vista, ma crebbe lentamente e si radicò sempre più forte perché uno aveva bisogno proprio dell’altra e viceversa. Erano complementari, opposti e uguali. In contrapposizione su tanti argomenti e in piena sintonia su altri. Cambiarono vita, si ridefinirono, si aprirono a nuovi mondi mai immaginati, sperimentarono se stessi e si misurarono rispetto all’altro, in coppia. Nacquero ancora una volta, rinacquero e si ricomposero pezzo dopo pezzo e si fusero mescolandosi in una amalgama unica. E vissero felici e contenti sino a che morte non li separò.

… after all these years they met. They had lived differently complex and variously intense lives. It was not love at first sight, but it grew slowly and took root stronger and stronger because one needed the other and vice versa. They were complementary, opposite and equal. In contrast to many topics and in full harmony with others. They changed their lives, redefined themselves, they opened up to new worlds never imagined, experienced and measured themselves against each other, in pairs. They were born once again, were reborn and recomposed piece by piece. They merged by mixing themselves in a unique amalgam. And they lived happily until death do us apart.