San Nicola

San Nicola, 2022  Saint Nicholas, 2022

rame e turchese 50 cm, 40 cm, 35 cm,  30 cm, 25 cm, 20cm, 15cm

copper and turquoise 50 cm, 40 cm, 30cm, 25 cm, 22 cm, 15 cm

Nicola si chiamava e raggiunse Paesi in tutto il mondo. Nicola si chiamava e salvò donzelle e bambini. Nicola si chiamava e aiutò popoli durante la carestia. Nicola si chiamava e ruppe un diabolico maleficio.

Nicola was called and he reached countries all over the world. Nicola was called and he saved maidens and children. Nicola was called and he helped people during the famine. Nicola was called and broke a diabolical spell.