
Alfa, 2020   Alfa, 2020

rame su tela 54×144   copper on canvas 54×144

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C’era una volta un gamete femminile che percorreva lentamente le tube. Scendeva guardando avanti e si soffermava di tanto in tanto a guardarsi intorno. Ad un tratto vide un gamete maschile correrle incontro, spinto con forza verso l’alto come le bollicine di una bottiglia appena stappata. Non riuscì ad evitarlo e nello scontro si fusero, divennero un’unica cosa che diventò tante cellule, una dopo l’altra, una dava vita all’altra, in un moltiplicarsi continuo. Le ramificazioni cellulari si infittirono sino a creare tessuti nuovi, diversi. Pian paino quell’ammasso di cellule prendeva forma, mentre si moltiplicava. Nuotava nel liquido quell’esserino, faceva capriole, succhiava il dito e si definiva sempre più sino a creare un nuovo essere, una bambina, una bellissima bambina, bella come una rosa.

Once upon a time there was a female gamete that was running slowly through the tube. It was going down looking ahead and occasionally it was stopping to look around. Suddenly it saw a male gamete running to meet, pushed upward with energy as bubbles of a bottle just uncorked. It didn’t achieve to avoid it and they merged during the crash. They became one thing and then they became many cells that gave life to the other, in a continuous multiplication.
The cellular ramifications thickened to create new, different tissues. Little by little that cluster of cells took shape as it multiplied. That little creature swam in the liquid, did somersaults, sucked his finger and defined himself more and more until he created a new being, a girl, a beautiful girl, beautiful as a rose.